Drawings On Energy Conservation Images
Kids Are Learning Energy Conservation and Creating Artistic Drawings to Prove It
When it comes to saving electricity and energy conservation, we as adults think we have all the answers. But that may not be the case as you are about to find out. Kids are learning about energy conservation in school and they are taking that knowledge and turning it into incredible drawings.
Over the past few years, competitions have been held worldwide featuring the best energy-saving drawings. The contests are generally designed to feature a student's artistic skills along with their ability to accurately portray the science of conserving energy and water.
Students are being taught at an early age that electricity, energy and water conservation not only saves money, but it also helps save the environment. For most of these contests, the rules are pretty simple: the drawings are judged on how effectively they convey their message.
In the United States, many of these competitions are conducted in concert with the National Energy Foundation, "A nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating and promoting an energy literate society." One of their sponsored programs is "Energy Safe Kids" whose mission statement is to "to cultivate energy literacy by promoting the safe and wise use of natural gas."
As an adult, chances are, you were not taught about energy saving and conservation while you were in school. But truth be told, the curriculum our kids are being taught today is far different from what we learned all those years ago. The fact that our kids are being taught about saving the environment at an early age really gives the entire world an optimistic outlook for the future.
As you view the various artwork below, you will be amazed at how these students have an incredible grasp of the science and concepts of energy conservation. And chance are, your kids have started to teach you, as parents, how to put these concepts into practice. When it comes to lowering your energy bills, it is an added plus if your kids are on-board and understand what needs to be done.
And the best news is, as our kids grow up and they have kids, this knowledge will be passed from generation to generation. Maybe there's hope for the world after all.
Check out some of our favorite drawings below.
Drawings On Energy Conservation Images
Source: https://uspowerandlight.com/kids-learning-energy-conservation-creating-artistic-drawings-prove/
Posted by: presleralles1971.blogspot.com
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