How Do You Draw A Chair
Shawnte is an elementary school science educator and illustrator who studies various life cycles of animals.

How Do I Draw a Chair?
Hi everyone! Today, you will be learning how to draw a simple dining room chair. You may need to draw one for any number of reasons. Perhaps you are drawing a dining room or tavern scene, which would require having chairs inside. Who knows? It's none of my business, I'm just here to help you out!

1. Draw the Backrest
The lines you will be drawing in this step represent the backrest of your chair. Start out by drawing six horizontal lines stacked on top of one another. It doesn't have to look great, just make them look obviously like lines. You may round the lines slightly if you'd like, as this will add to the overall look of your finished chair.

2. Sketch the Frame
Draw one vertical line on either side of the horizontal lines. These lines will later be used as part of the outer frame and legs of the chair.

3. Add More Lines
Draw in two vertical lines right beside the other two lines and connect them.

4. Draw the Seat
Now that you are finished drawing the top of the chair, you can now start drawing the seat. The seat can come in various looks and can be either round or square like in appearance. In this tutorial, however, the seat will have a round back and a square front. When I drew the seat, it reminded me of the tip of someone's fingernail.

5. Draw the Legs
Next, we tackle the legs! Every chair has four legs. The back two legs connect to the backrest, and the two front legs connect to the seat. Study the image to get a good idea of what I'm talking about.

6. Add Dimmension
Add some dimension to your chair by giving the legs curves and corners. As you can see, the drawing looks less flat and more solid by doing this.

7. Add the Details
The rest is really up to you! You can add some sort of design such as a wooden appearance or some lines on your chair if you want. This drawing is somewhat plain, but it is only intended to give you an idea of the basics!

Feel free to leave feedback if you'd like. Good luck!
Vcfff on January 14, 2020:
rachael on November 20, 2019:
that is hard can u maby do an easy on
Precious on May 12, 2019:
Wow wonderful
Jennifer on April 17, 2019:
Hi how are you doing today i try learn doing draw any way best i best i can do better
nev on October 03, 2018:
this is so helpful.
master123 on May 02, 2018:
Way say all those things by do what is that you want to with art.Art is a gift that was been given to you by are greater,love what you do with art donot listen to any of those people saying that art is bad thing for you and does not help you with your furture......
Johnd601 on July 30, 2014:
Because here is a list of multiplayer games is that the leave was asked for more. affdadfadgba
URMOM on January 02, 2013:
URFACE on December 05, 2012:
Shawnte (author) on November 26, 2012:
Awwwww I'm sure with more practice, you'll have it down. :D
Bla on November 19, 2012:
Ugh I still can't draw a chair no matter how many times I try :(
Shawnte (author) on October 23, 2012:
Glad you enjoyed it :D
Shawnte (author) on October 23, 2012:
Glad you guys like it!
Gabbi on September 06, 2012:
That was really cool
Mariabunny68868 on June 16, 2012:
Your one great artist!
josh on May 27, 2012:
this art was fun and easy
Shawnte (author) on February 23, 2012:
Thanks Docmo! :D
Mohan Kumar from UK on February 20, 2012:
Easy to follow instructions in art. Way to go, Shawnte87. Well done.
How Do You Draw A Chair
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