How To Create Building Block In Word
Exercise Files: You will need the report_start.docx and the large_cruise_ship.jpg picture
Using Building Blocks
Word comes with easy to use building blocks called Quick Parts that make working with your documents very easy. You can use building blocks to achieve the following objectives:
- Create Cover pages
- Add headers and footers
- Insert Page Numbers
- Watermarks and equations
- Add Text Boxes
- Add Tables
Building Blocks allow you to insert preformatted blocks of text into your document, complete with headers, footers, graphics, and more.
Building Blocks can be used instead of AutoCorrect to add whole sections to your document. You can also create custom Building Blocks to create boilerplate documents. Custom Building Blocks are organized using an index. They can be sorted, edited, or deleted through this index.
You'll find Building Blocks in various galleries through-out the Ribbon such as cover pages and page numbers. You can modify existing Building Blocks, delete custom Building Blocks and sort them.
In this tutorial you will create a report using Building Blocks for a travel company that advertising cruises. See example below:
Inserting Building Blocks
You can see all the building blocks in the Quick Parts Gallery
1. Click on the Insert Tab > Text Group
2. Click on the Quick Parts button
3. Select Building Block Organizer
The Building Block Organizer
You will now see the Building Block organizer. In the Building Block Organizer Dialog Box you can select the building block of your choice. All the building blocks are organized into themes. When you click on a building block, you get a preview in the right side preview pane.
Insert a Cover Page using a Building Block
1. Click on the Insert Tab > Pages Group
2. Click on Cover Page
3. Click on the Perspective Theme from the gallery. The cover page will be added to your document. We'll now click in the placeholders to add content.
Add a Picture to the Cover Page
1. Select the picture on the cover page and replace it with the large_cruise_ship image.
Add Text to Placeholders
1. Click the Title Placeholder and type "Ballroom Dance Cruise".
2. Click the Subtitle Placeholder and type "Hope you enjoy!"
3. Click the Abstract Placeholder and type "Held all year round".
Add a Header using a Quick Park
1. Click on the Insert Tab > Text Group
2. Click in the Quick Parts Button
3. Click on the Heading Name to Sort the Building Blocks
4. Scroll down and click on the "Perspective" Theme Header
5. Click the Insert button and a header block will be inserted into your page
6. Type "Ballroom Dancing Cruises" as the heading name.
7. Close out of the Header and Footer Contextual Tab
Add the Footer Quick Part
You can switch directly to the footer from the header and Footer Tools Contextual Tab.
1. Double Click to go back into Edit Mode in the Header
2. Click on Go To Footer button. You will be moved down into the Footer.
3. You should now be positioned in the Footer and can insert a page number
4. Click on Page Number > Current Position and Click on Large Color
Create your Own Quick Parts
You can easily create your own Quick Parts for commonly used text.
1. Page down to the end of the document and select the 4 line signature block.
2. Click on the Insert Tab > Text Group
3. Click on Quick Parts and then click on Save Selection to Quick Parts Gallery. The Create New Building Block dialog box will appear
4. Type in the Grey Townshend as the name of your building Block and click OK.
5. You should now see that your Quick Park is now available for use in the Quick Parts Gallery.
Delete a Quick Part
1. Click the Insert tab > Text Group and click Quick Parts
2. Click on the Building Block you want to delete at the top of the menu to display the pop-up menu
3. Select Organize and Delete
4. The Building Block Organizer will appear with your Grey Townsend Building Block selected
5. Click the Delete button
6. When the message box appears verifying that you want to delete the Building Block, click Yes
6. Click the Close button
Add a Drop Cap
Add a finished look to your documents by adding a drop cap to the first letter in the document
1. Click any where in the first paragraph
2. Click on the Insert Tab > Text Group
3. Click the Drop Cap Button
4. Click Dropped. Word inserts the first letter of the paragraph in a box and rewraps the text to the right of the paragraph
Add WordArt Text
Add WordArt to your document to add some visual appeal and a unique look.
1. Click in the third paragraph where you will insert the WordArt
2. Click the Insert Tab > Text Group
3. Click the WordArt button and choose your WordArt Style. A Text box will appear in your document anchored to the paragraph.
Format and Position the WordArt
1. In "Your text Here" box, Type the text "Dining Options"
2. Click the Format Tab > Text Group
3. Click the Position Button. Hover your mouse over to preview the options
4. Click the "Position in Middle Center with Square Text Wrapping option. Your word Art will now be positioned as you selected.
How To Create Building Block In Word
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